Hinduism and Buddhism have sprung from the same root bases in ancient India into two rather distinct, very rich spiritual traditions. An understanding of their general differences is sure to throw light on the particular contributions each has made to human thought and culture.
1. Central Teachings:
God: Hinduism accepts a really diversified pantheon of gods. The creation god is Brahma, preserver god Vishnu and destroyer god Shiva. Buddhism, however, concedes the existence of gods and spirits but does not believe that their worship is in any way required because the Buddha was an enlightened teacher and not regarded as a god himself.
Both believe in the idea of reincarnation or cycle of rebirth; Hinduism also offers the concept of an eternal soul that is somehow linked between the different lifetimes through a feeling of Atman. In Buddhism, this understanding of a self, whether eternal and indestructible, remains foreign. Instead, they refer to an Anatta or no-self.
Path to Salvation: Hinduism affords many paths to salvation-Moksha-through Bhakti, Jnana, or Karma Yoga. For Buddhism, Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path can be considered the path to Nirvana-that is, the extinction of suffering.
2. Impact on Society and Culture:
Basis of Social Organization: Hinduism was always associated with the Indian caste system, a complex social stratification. Being of Indian origin, Buddhism opposed the caste system and religion-supported social equality.
Social Roles: Much emphasis in Hinduism is placed on social roles and responsibilities based on caste and life cycle. Buddhism is a philosophy of liberation that is very individualistic and thus much closer to an equal social relationship.
Rituals and Practices: Hindu rituals are very long ceremonies, offering before the gods, and temple worship. Buddhist practices include meditation and mindfulness and good practice
3. Important Individuals:
Hinduism: Not based on one person. Hinduism was written by century after century of seers, philosophers, and spiritual men.
Buddhism: Buddhism was started by Siddhartha Gautama who was given a great revelation to be called the Buddha.
4. Present Impact:
Hinduism: Yet remains a huge force in India society and is part of huge Indian culture with the art, music, literature, and social behaviors.
Buddhism: It covered the world and touched some of the philosophies and religions that hold and further keeps deep pondering on man as well.
If in two, of this spring, that divergent lines are there of later splits Hinduism and Buddhism are an heir to a house that drew their marks most certainly, or specifically, as to that very discovery for meaning, that is also found. Hinduism is a religion believing that god is to be worshipped whereas underlines the teaching of Buddha about
Hinduism believes in Atman, or soul, whereas the teachings of Buddhism are based around Anatta, no self.
Hinduism pretty much sleeps with the concept of caste; Buddhism actively questioned the same.
Of the following, which of the statement are common amongst Hinduism and Buddhism?
Ans: Both believe in karma, Samsara- reincarnation and Dharma-etiquette ethics. Buddhism never accepts and has a concept of opposing social structure at all.Buddhism is socially egalitarian, with no caste in it; always, caste attached to Hinduism.
Which are some of the salient liberation paths in Hinduism and Buddhism?
Ans: There are types of liberation path in Hinduism, Bhakti, Jnana and Karma Yoga whereas in Buddhism is the Eightfold Path.
What has been the impacts of Hinduism and Buddhism upon world culture?
Ans: Both have made huge impacts on the world's culture in art, literature, philosophy, and social thought.